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Fans are the basic elements of mechanical ventilation, which are responsible for the distribution of air in the system. They allow both efficient supply to individual parts of the building and efficient removal of used air. They play a key role in residential and public buildings and industrial facilities. The multiples of air exchange in the case of production plants are not only the safety of employees, but also the correct course of the technological process. What to do when choosing a fan?
→ Purpose (production facilities, kitchen extractions, home installation),
→ Installation method (suiling, stamping, suiling and stamping),
→ Special conditions (explosion-proof, smoke-proof, chemo-resistant),
→ Installation site (ceiling, wall, roof, duct),
→ The performance of the device adapted to the installation.
In design, fans are divided into axial, radial and mixed fans. The first is low-pressure air pumping units. Thus, they are ideal for short ventilation ducts (max. 3 m) or as wall fans. Radial fans, on the other hand, are designed to transport air at high flow resistance, i.e. in long ventilation ducts. The third type is mixed fans, which will be used in not very long ventilation ducts with medium flow resistance Our products in this category are:
→ Fireplace fans,
→ Bathroom exhaust fans,
→ Roof fans,
→ Duct fans (also with regulator),
→ Wall fans,
→ Central fans,
→ Suiling and stamping fans,
→ Fan check valves,
→ and knees.